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Remus, help me, please. There s a wolf attacking me. I can t win
in a fight with her. Hurry, please!
Nanita paced back and forth, surprising Maddie when she didn t
attack right away. Then, she started advancing slowly, growling and
baring her teeth in a threatening manner. Suddenly, a feeling of fury
came over Maddie, and the wolf stopped advancing.
Maddie pushed against the trunk of the tree as hard as she could,
wishing she could just push through the dead tree and race home
where she d be safe. That wasn t going to happen. She was going to
die in this stupid forest at the hands of a crazed homewrecker, and
Remus would probably never know what happened to her. What the
hell had she ever done to anyone to have so many things in her life go
wrong? Didn t she deserve some happiness, someone who d love her
I have that kind of love with Remus. This bitch thinks she s going
to take him away and I ll just lie down and let myself be killed. Well, I
don t think so. I ve had enough of this crap.
Maddie felt a sense of purpose come over her, followed closely by
a feeling of fury. No way was anybody, certainly not this crazy bitch,
going to come between her and Remus.
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212 Missy Martine
Damn, I ve got abilities of my own, and it s high time I used them.
Letting her anger grow and grow, Maddie focused her eyes on the
pile of dead limbs on the ground, and suddenly they were raining
down on the startled wolf. Maddie watched in glee as the wolf backed
away, whimpering as the shower of wood fell down on top of her
 Back off, Nanita, and believe me, I m only gonna tell you once.
You re getting a small sample of what I can do, and if you don t back
off, I ll give you the full treatment.
Nanita cringed on the ground, looking around like she was trying
to figure out what happened. She whined and licked at her paws, then
turned to stare at Maddie. Growling, she got up and started advancing
Maddie couldn t believe her eyes when the wolf got up and
continued to advance on her. Her anger grew, reaching a level she d
never experienced before. She suddenly knew she was going to die,
and there wasn t a thing she could do about it. In that instant, she sent
all of her fear and regret toward Remus across their precious mating
Suddenly, Maddie felt a terrible pain in her abdomen. The pain
was so strong it drove her to her knees, leaving her gasping for breath.
Horrified, she looked on as hair began to sprout all along her bare
arms. She writhed in agony as she felt her face contort, making her
feel as if her jaw was breaking. The bones and joints in her body
began to snap and pop. She felt as if her body was being pulled apart,
and there seemed to be nothing she could do to stop it. She no longer
feared the wolf facing her. She was more afraid of her own body.
* * * *
Remus was beginning to tire of the issues of the pack this
afternoon. He d been in this meeting for over an hour now, and all he
could think about was getting back to Maddie. He d reached out with
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 213
his mind but hadn t been able to pick up anything from their bond. He
could only think that it meant she was safe and probably getting angry
at having to wait for him so long. He should have made sure one of
his brothers would look after her.
 Remus, are you hearing anything we have to say?
Remus cringed at the annoyed voice of Vanard. The last thing he
needed was to have the Elders angry with him today. He already
pushed them as far as he could just by making them accept his mating
to what they called  the human female . How he hated that term,
human female. They wouldn t acknowledge her ancestry since neither
she nor Michael showed any sign of being Wolfen. It angered him
that his children wouldn t follow in his footsteps. His son could never
be Alpha, at least of this pack. He had to take responsibility for that,
though. Nobody forced him to make the deal with the Elders. He
never told Maddie that, and he hoped he never had to. It would
devastate her to know they were penalizing him and their future
children because of her humanity.
 Yes, Vanard, I ve been listening, but I can t say that I m
agreeing with your concerns. I know we have some security issues,
but not serious enough to double our forces. What do you think,
 I think we have some problems that need to be addressed. Just a
few weeks ago, your own mate was removed from your home by one
of our long time enemies. If we had more men to post as guards
around our territory, outsiders wouldn t be able to get in so easily. A
simple checkpoint at the end of the county road where our territory
begins would have kept your mate safe on that fateful day.
 That s not a very good example, Brenner, because her brother
was the lead car that came up the road. No guard would be instructed
to keep out family members. They d have still been able to drive up to
the cabin.
 No, they wouldn t have orders to keep family out, but they would
have orders to call up to the cabin to let her know that her guests were
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214 Missy Martine
seeking entry. And you damn well know they d never have allowed
the cars to leave the mountain with your mate passed out in the back
seat. I think you re too close to this problem, Remus, and you need to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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